Fender Mustang guitar rewiring - August 2018


One of my latest projects was to breathe new life into my old 1970's Fender Mustang guitar.
I replaced the existing single coil pickups with hot rail humbuckers.
The old pickup-selector/phase slide switches now select individual pickup coils (top, both, or bottom).
The volume pot now has a push-pull series/parallel master switch.
The tone pot's push-pull switch adds presence, and is my own variation on the Big Muff  tone circuit;
and, a new mini toggle switch selects the pickups (neck, bridge or both).

Below is the schematic wiring diagram and plots of the tonal variations.

3-way on/on/on Slide Switch operation


(tone switch off)

(tone switch on)

by Brent J. Boghosian